Very sexual, I love it!
Very sexual, I love it!
i beat it just for there to be a typo
glitchy but definitely has effort put into it
damn i remember playing this as a little kid and i couldnt find it again lol
its nostalgia time
why cant i eat it god dammit
BRUH- THIZ IZ $0 DAMN WR0N6!!!!!! JU$T B3CAU$3 J00 FUCKIN6 H8 T3H P0W3RPUFF 6IRL$ D03$N´T M3AN YA HAV3 2MAK3 A DAMN 6AM3 AB0UT IT!!!!! (l0l n0t $0rry f0r cap$) Butt3rcup iz my fav0rit3 P0w3rpuff 6irl and thiz 6am3 mad3 m3 f33l lik3 a cru3l m0n$t3r. if ya h8 t3h P0w3rpuff 6irl$ that damn much, t3hn d0n´t fuckin6 mak3 a 6am3 ab0ut it. think ab0ut t3h kid$ and t33n$ wh0 <3 thiz $h0w 2thiz fuckin6 day, h0w w0uld t3hy f33l?! and al$0, think ab0ut t3h j00n6 kid$ wh0 ar3 playin6 thiz 6am3. wh3n i kill3d h3r i f3lt 6uilty and i $tart3d cryin6. it wa$ lik3 i wa$ r3ally killin6 h3r in r3al lif3. j00 ar3 a m0n$t3r. AND al$0. BUTT3RCUP C0ULD´V3 JU$T AV0ID3D J00 WH3N T3H $TAK3 THIN6 WA$ 0N H3R CH3$T!!!!!!! j00 d0n´t kn0w a damn thin6 ab0ut t3h $h0w. if j00´r3 60nna mak3 a h8 6am3, at l3a$t r3$3arch 0n h0w t3h 6irl$ w0uld b3 aff3ct3d by t3h attack$ fir$t. i will n3v3r f0r6iv3 j00 f0r thiz. 0 $TAR$!!!!!! i h0p3 j00 63t arr3$t3d f0r thiz.
rejoining newgrounds was my greatest mistake
scool for big dick people
Joined on 12/23/20